Become a Foster Parent

Thousands of children enter the foster care system each year and range in age from infants to young adults. These children are in need of a safe space and a loving family to be a part of. Camelot’s Foster Care Program was established to respond to the needs of foster youth by finding supportive and caring foster parents that would like to grow their families and provide a nurturing environment for all children to thrive.

Our foster care program takes pride in our approach to working with and welcoming every potential caregiver and family that would like to help a foster child. We are licensed, nationally accredited, and knowledgeable of the regulations associated with fostering which makes our team a great source of support and guidance throughout the process.

Camelot Community Care is always happy to meet new foster parents or families to help us in our mission of enabling children and families to realize their fullest potential. Our foster parents and families play a vital role in advocating for the children and youth that have no one else to turn to for support. And we are excited about the opportunity to build a lasting and fruitful partnership with every one of you.

Фінансові установи пропонують вигідні умови для позичальників, які шукають кредит з низькою відсотковою ставкою. Це дозволяє мінімізувати витрати на обслуговування позики та зберегти сімейний бюджет. Такий варіант підходить як для короткострокових, так і для довгострокових фінансових потреб. Отримання кредиту з низькою відсотковою ставкою можливе через онлайн-сервіси, що забезпечують швидкий доступ до грошей без зайвих складнощів. Завдяки прозорим умовам та гнучким графікам погашення клієнти можуть розраховувати на комфортний процес отримання позики та зручне управління своїми фінансами.

If you would like to know more about Camelot’s Foster Care Program and are interested in experiencing the joys of making a meaningful difference in a young person’s life, then perhaps, becoming a Camelot foster parent or family might be a good fit for you.

Воспитание ребенка требует значительных финансовых затрат, которые иногда невозможно предусмотреть заранее. Часто мамы в декрете сталкиваются с необходимостью оперативно найти деньги на медицинские услуги, покупку одежды или других важных вещей для ребенка. В таких ситуациях выгодным решением становится кредит для мам в декрете, который позволяет быстро получить необходимую сумму без сложных процедур. Этот вид финансовой помощи доступен онлайн, что экономит время и позволяет избежать лишних визитов в банки. Процесс подачи заявки максимально прост: необходимо лишь заполнить короткую анкету, после чего система автоматически рассматривает запрос. Деньги зачисляются на карту в течение нескольких минут после подтверждения заявки.

Please connect with us to find out how you can become a certified foster parent or family and start your journey today!

To take the next step and find out more about becoming a foster parent, please complete this form.


Traditional Foster Parents are families who provide a nurturing home and family life to children in foster care.  Placement is usually temporary but can last as long as 1 year or more.  As a Traditional Foster Parent, you will work with Case Managers and in some cases, biological families to prepare children to be reunified with their family.  When reunification is not possible, as a Traditional Foster Parent, you will be part of a team to help find a "Forever Family" and prepare the child for adoption.

Who are Traditional Foster Parents

Traditional Foster Parents are just like you.  If you have room for a child in your home and love and caring to give, you can help "change a lifetime" for a foster child.

About Children in Traditional Foster Care

Children in Traditional Foster Care are all ages.  There is a tremendous need for families to care for siblings so that they can remain together in foster care.  Children come into foster care due to abuse and/or neglect that may have occurred in their home and need patient and caring adults to provide stability and a safe home to help foster children recover from the trauma of being removed from their family.

Who are Treatment Foster Parents

Treatment Foster Parents are special people., They possess the gift of love and shape the lives of our most precious resource, the children., They are part of a child's special journey of healing from traumatic effects of abuse, neglect, and abandonment, and when the time is right, they help the child find permanency with a family.

Treatment Foster Parents are a distinct group of parents, everyday heroes who:

  • Display compassion, concern and love to help mold a child’s future
  • Gain a sense of satisfaction from helping children and families thrive and grow
  • Give back to their community
  • Collaborate with a team to help children find permanency

About children in Treatment Foster Care

The children served in our Treatment Foster Care program enter the foster care system through no fault of their own, they have often suffered physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect that has caused traumatic effects., As a result of their history of trauma, our Treatment Foster Care children display challenging behaviors that require therapeutic interventions.

While children in Treatment Foster Care are of all ages, many are older typically between the ages of 9-15.

Download our Treatment Foster Care brochure to learn more
Camelot Community Care Treatment Foster Parent Brochure