Foster Parent Resources

Helping Foster Youth

For the hundreds of thousands of children and youth that enter the foster care system, per year, getting the opportunity to experience a safe and stable home environment is often a few and far between reality. These children and youth have unfortunately experienced neglect, trauma or abuse that has resulted in their separation from their biological family. Yet, they are some of the most resilient young people we at Camelot have the privilege of helping.

For these reasons we are compelled to take action in order to provide foster families for youth who are unable to safely remain with their biological families, or that do not have family to care for them. Camelot’s main goal is to help find and to partner with caring, compassionate and certified foster families who can provide a nurturing home for youth in need and give them the emotional support they deserve.  Anyone, including you, can become a foster parent as long as there is a desire to open your heart and your home to foster youth who yearn for a safe space and loving home. Our foster
parents play a vital role in nurturing and helping our youth learn how to heal from emotional trauma; become self-sufficient; and develop into upstanding members of our community.

Foster Parent Handbook